MEDSPORT Ottawa has highly skilled professionals to manage sport related injuries and common musculoskeletal problems.

Our Sport Medicine physicians are extensively trained to assess, diagnose and treat an array of sport and exercise related injuries and medical conditions. Some of the conditions that are commonly treated include: overuse injuries of the knee and shoulder, acute sport injuries, sport related concussion, back pain and osteoarthritis. We also have expertise in pre-participation evaluations and return to play decisions. As medical doctors, our services are covered by OHIP.
Our experienced physiotherapists are trained to rehabilitate your injury and help you to return to your sports and activities. Our physiotherapists use a number of techniques to get you better including therapeutic exercise, manual therapy, electrotherapy, and IMS/dry needling. Once you are better, our physiotherapists will instruct you on injury prevention so that you reduce the risk of re-injury and remain active. We staff only registered physiotherapists. Most extended health care plans cover physiotherapy. Check with your insurer for the extent of your coverage.

Our registered massage therapists are here to help you with your injury healing and recovery, and to provide maintenance therapy. Our RMTs can also provide you with a home program to help your recovery or maintain optimal musculoskeletal function. We staff only registered massage therapists so that you can be reimbursed by your extended health care plan, if you have coverage for massage therapy.
Acupuncture is an effective treatment for relieving pain and improving muscle function. Acupuncture acts by stimulating the body’s own pain relieving endorphins and enhances the body’s own natural healing abilities. Our therapists insert a thin, disposable needle into specific areas of the body for treatment. Acupuncture is provided by our registered physiotherapists and is included in their treatment fees.

Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) or dry needling can be an effective treatment option for pain of neuropathic origin. IMS involves the insertion of fine acupuncture type needles into muscles that have shortened or contracted. IMS is able to treat this neuropathic pain by mechanical stimulation of the affected muscles causing desensitization of the affected nerves and release of the shortened and contracted muscles, thereby helping to restore motion and function. This technique is effective for deep muscles that are difficult to treat with other forms of therapy. IMS treatment is best suited to treat soft tissue injuries that are chronic and have a neuropathic component.
Concussion Management requires an experienced team of health professionals to be able to recognize and manage the signs and symptoms of sport related concussion. Our staff follows the most current guidelines and treatment strategies, as well as offers baseline testing using either the traditional SCAT3 tool or computerized testing.

Our sport medicine physicians provide cortisone injection therapy when indicated to soft tissue injuries and joints. We also have over 20 years of experience injecting hyaluronic acid into osteoarthritic joints. We use ultrasound guided injection techniques where necessary to increase the accuracy of the joint injections. Medsport Ottawa also offers Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections to promote healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints.